Here is a curated collection of articles, in PDF format, gleaned from previous issues of The Bulletin and other reliable sources.
A Stress Free Way for Trimming Your Dogs Toenails (PDF 1.75 MB)
Irish Wolfhounds: Special Caregivers for Special Needs Children (PDF 2.6 MB)
The Soul of the Irish Wolfhound (PDF 1.45 MB)
Wolfhounds and Visiting the Elderly (PDF 3MB)
Cannabis Sativa for Our Dogs (PDF 633 KB)
Crufts: A Junior Handlers Dream (PDF 2 MB)
Designer Dogs: Are Purebreds in Crisis (PDF 2 MB)
How to Survive Your First Irish Wolfhound (PDF 3 MB)
J O U R N E Y S : A Quality of Life Scale for Pets (PDF 3 MB)
Raised Bowls: A Good Practice or a Time Bomb (PDF 2 MB)
Second Chances: Breed Rescue and Re-Homing Dogs (PDF 3 MB)
Survival of the Prettiest (PDF 3 MB)
The Covid-19 Pandemic: Thoughts Going Forward (PDF 3 MB)
The Irish Wolfhound:A Breed Worth Protecting (PDF 3 MB)
The Makings of a Stallion Hound (PDF 2 MB)
The Times They Are a Changin’ (PDF 2 MB)
What Was the Wolfhound Artist’s Secret (PDF 3 MB)