About the IWCC

The Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada

The first meeting to establish The Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada was held at Mr. James G. Reynolds’ home on Sunday, March 14, 1971.

The first IWCC Board of Directors:

President: Mr. James G. Reynolds,
Vice-President: Mrs. Wm. R. Morrison,
Vice-President: Mrs. A. H. Lee,
Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs. Rene de la Roche,
Directors: Mr. G. Laughton, Mrs. John Scarlett, Mr. Allan Fournier, Mrs. J. Sikora, Mrs. C. F. Daley, Mrs. Wm. R. Morrison, Mrs. Rene de la Roche and Mr. Rene de la Roche

There were 37 members with a total of $282.41 on hand. These founding members all remained active in the Club for many years. Several of the names are still familiar as working members of the Club, today.

  • Jim Reynolds the first IWCC President

Greg and Jacquie Laughton ran the first Booster Show in Burlington, Ontario, on September 25, 1971, with Mr. John Murphy judging. Forty-two Irish Wolfhounds were entered and competed.

By 1972, many things were underway. On March 25, 1972, a Booster Show was held at the Canadian National Sportsmen’s Show. The first Specialty was held in Kars, Ontario, on July 15, 1972, with Mary Jane Ellis judging. A Committee started working on a the first Code of Ethics, and the club saw its membership increase, as it welcomed many new members from all over the continent.

The Mrs. Josephine Moody Bequest

In 2004, the Club received a generous bequest from the estate of Mrs. Josephine Moody.

  • Josie with The Phelan Trophy, crafted by Carole Guilfoyle. This trophy is offered by Mrs. Josephine Moody in memory of CH. Phelan’s Digby O’Toole for WD at the IWCC Annual Specialty Shows.