The IWCC fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31. Regardless of the date you join, new members shall be exempt from paying their membership dues for the remainder of that calendar year. Any new member joining after October 31 shall automatically have their year of free membership deferred to the start of the following year.
Membership type is determined by the applicant’s country of residence. New Canadian and USA applicants become Associate Members for the first three consecutive years. After three years, Canadian members then become Regular Members gaining voting rights and the right to run for a position on the club’s Board of Directors and/or serve on a committee. American Regular members gain voting rights, but cannot run for a position on the club’s Board of Directors and/or serve on a committee. Persons residing outside Canada and the USA become non-voting Foreign Members. Regardless of their country of origin, persons aged 10 to 17 become Junior Members, at a fee of $10 (first year free, as described above). Junior members enjoy membership privileges, except that they are not eligible to vote, hold office, or serve on a committee.
By joining the IWCC, applicants agree to abide by the Constitution, the Bylaws, the Code of Ethics, and the Canadian Kennel Club rules, and assert their commitment to protecting and promoting the Irish Wolfhound breed, for as long as they are IWCC members.
How to Join
OPTION 1 • By Mail:
New applicants must complete and return the IWCC Application and Renewal Form (PDF 2.85 MB). Be sure to sign the Code of Ethics Form on page 2. If a hard copy of The Bulletin is desired, payment methods include Paypal or Credit Card (use the New Membership Fee Schedule below), e-Transfer to (available to Canadians only), or by cheque payable to the “IWCC.” Fill in the digital form, print it, and mail it, together with your signed Code of Ethics Form and cheque (if applicable), to the following address:

Guylaine Gagnon
IWCC Secretary
347 Backbush Rd
Hemmingford QC J0L 1H0
OPTION 2 • By Email: Fill in page 1 of the digital IWCC Application and Renewal Form (PDF 7 MB). Save your completed fillable form and email it to the address below. You still need to print a copy of the Code of Ethics Form on page 2, sign it, scan it and email it to the secretary, as well:

French Membership Form
Formulaire d’adhésion et de renouvellement
New Membership
Type of Charge | Amount | Add |
New Associate Membership for Canadian residents This membership includes an online copy of The Bulletin. | 0.00 | |
New Associate Membership for American residents This membership includes an online copy of The Bulletin. | 0.00 | |
New Foreign Membership for those outside Canada or the USA This membership includes an online copy of The Bulletin. | 0.00 | |
New Junior Membership for those aged 10 to 17, regardless of country of origin. This membership includes an online copy of The Bulletin. For hard copies, please select from the options above. | 0.00 | |
Note: A $2 processing fee will be added to the total. |